Go to where you downloaded the file, and double click on the self-extracting file (turboC.exe) in Windows to extract it. This will bring up a WinZip Self-Extractor window (you do NOT need WinZip installed on your machine). By default, this will extract the files to C:\tctemp directory. You may designate a different location. Hit return to extract the files.
Exit the WinZip Self-Extractor window (by hitting return twice).
Once the files have been extracted, go to the directory c:\tctemp (or wherever you put the unzipped files), and double click on the file called install (it may be called install.exe).
This will step you through the installation.
Hit enter to start the installation
Select the drive where the unzipped file are. The default is "A", so you should enter "C". Then hit ret
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